Sketches Update, Almost Done


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    I just have to finish scanning a few more old sketches and then I can get to the recent stuff. Thank you for being patient and sorry for the poor image quality on the second picture. 

Central Park Sketches


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    Drawn this past summer while waiting to go paddle-boating with my friends. It just about made my day when a cardinal and a sparrow came within a few inches of me while I was sketching. 

                Please click to enlarge. 

Whoo, plants!



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    Woot! Hands, man. (With an additional foot and claw)
    A few different ways of going about drawing them. Please click to enlarge.  



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     There was a very brief period of time a few months ago in which I revisited my childhood interest in fey and elves. Here are two of the resulting doodles. 
     Sorry about the poor image quality of the second picture. Please click to enlarge. 

More Sketches


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    From a sketchbook I finished earlier this year. Please click to enlarge, they look much better that way. Enjoy!



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    I have a bit of an obsession with them, although it was far worse a few months ago. Here are two of my own creation, modeled by my lovely friend Chloë. 
    The green one I made from scratch, and the brown/black one I built on top of a plain plastic base. I've been meaning to take pictures of them for almost a year now, sorry about the poor image quality. 

Sketches Update, Among Other Things


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    I'm almost done fixing things up! But, it's taking me a bit longer than I had hoped now that school has started again(mainly the result of an AP score fiasco; my school never got them/lost them).
    I am pleasantly surprised to find that college is different than high school in many ways. But, I can already tell that it will take me a while to adjust to drawing for 3 or more hours straight. I've always worked quickly, and I usually end up overworking drawings because I feel like I haven't done enough work when I finish before everyone else. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever spent more than an hour on a piece in one sitting, and certainly not more than 3 hours on any one piece in total. Hmm, not good.

    Anyhoo, Here are some doodle pages from one of my sketchbooks from earlier this year. I've spent quite a lot of time fleshing out this character, but I still can't  grasp consistency.
    Her name is Lyn and she has a habit of causing trouble. In the top corner of the bottom page is also one of the first drawings I did of her accomplice, who is still unnamed. More to come.